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Eastern Christian School welcomes Josephine Kong as high school fine arts teacher. Josephine graduated Syracuse University with a B.F.A. in Art Education.
My name is Josephine Kong and I was born in California, but grew up in New Jersey. I love to create, whether that’s through baking and cooking or other artistic mediums like makeup and drawing. I enjoy spending time in nature and doing outdoor activities like hiking. Traveling is a passion of mine, so I love exploring new foods and cultures. Health is also very important to me so I try to eat and cook plant-based foods and do some form of exercise. I love listening to Christian and classical music, and doing Bible study.
An ex-New Ager, I encountered Jesus in 2020. I have also served as a missionary volunteer in South Korea and Egypt.
I graduated Syracuse University with a B.F.A. in Art Education. After graduating, however, I decided to pursue fashion/makeup instead. After attending a makeup course I became a freelance makeup artist in New York City. At the time I wasn’t a believer, and in 2020 when I encountered Jesus I felt called to quit my makeup career and go back to teaching. God provided an opportunity to teach English as a missionary volunteer in South Korea. After one year of service, I returned back to America and taught Art at a middle school in Kearny, NJ. I received the call to go back to missionary work and I was sent to teach English as a volunteer at a language center in Cairo, Egypt. After about one year in Egypt, I am now returning back to America to teaching art once again.
Besides being known as the high school that Nick Jonas attended, Eastern Christian has gained a reputation from the staff, students, and parents for its high quality education and commitment to Christian values and beliefs. The academic success of the students paired with the character of Christ being formed in them is proof that God’s presence is working in the lives of the EC students.